Published online September 25, 2024
Journal of Ecology and Environment (2024) 48:37
Hyeon Been Lee and Jong Soo Park*
Department of Oceanography, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Republic of Korea
Correspondence to:Jong Soo Park
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Background: Hypersaline environments (> 40 practical salinity units [PSU]) represent some of the most extreme conditions on Earth, supporting a variety of halophilic and halotolerant bacteria, archaea, and protists. The taxon Heterolobosea includes numerous halophilic protists, making it a valuable model for studying eukaryotic adaptation to high salinity. Particularly, the genus Pharyngomonas, a deep-branching lineage within Heterolobosea, comprises mainly obligate halophiles, providing insights into early protist adaptations in hypersaline environments. Additionally, these protozoa play crucial ecological roles as grazers of bacteria and archaea, and are prey for higher trophic levels in hypersaline environments.
Results: In the present study, two previously reported amoeboflagellates were isolated for the first time from hypersaline waters (~300 PSU) in two solar salterns in the Republic of Korea. Microscopic observations revealed that both strains exhibited the characteristic morphologies of Pharyngomonas, including amoeboid, flagellate, and cyst forms. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of their 18S rRNA gene sequences confirmed their close relationship to known Pharyngomonas kirbyi strains. The two strains demonstrated growth within a salinity range of 75–200 PSU, with optimal growth observed at 75–100 PSU, confirming their status as true halophiles. All known P. kirbyi strains are obligate halophiles, exhibiting a clear instance of adaptive radiation of halophilic eukaryotes. Additionally, the genus Pharyngomonas has been found in hypersaline environments across multiple continents (Asia, Europe, North America, Australia, and Africa), suggesting that it plays an ecologically significant role as a grazer of prokaryotes or prey for higher trophic levels in these habitats.
Conclusions: On the bases of morphological and molecular analyses, two strains identified as P. kirbyi were isolated and characterized for the first time from solar salterns in the Republic of Korea. This discovery highlights the presence and adaptation of halophilic eukaryotes in such extreme environments. The confirmation of these strains as obligate halophiles provides additional evidence for the adaptive radiation of halophilic eukaryotes. Furthermore, the ecological role of Pharyngomonas species underscores their importance as trophic regulators in hypersaline ecosystems. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the diversity, adaptation, and ecological functions of halophilic eukaryotes in extreme environments.
Keywords: adaptive radiation, bacterivore, halophiles, hypersaline environments, Pharyngomonas
Hypersaline environments (> 40 practical salinity units [PSU]) are among the most extreme conditions for all domains of life (Javor 1989). These environments, which include salt lakes, solar salterns, and deep-sea hypersaline anoxic basins, are globally widespread yet sparsely localized. They serve as habitats for a variety of halophilic and halotolerant bacteria, archaea, and protists (Harding and Simpson 2018; Ventosa et al. 2012). In particular, bacteria such as
The taxon Heterolobosea Page and Blanton 1985 encompasses diverse protists that inhabit freshwater, marine, and various extreme environments (Harding and Simpson 2018; Lee and Park 2023; Pánek et al. 2017). This taxonomic group is particularly noteworthy for including numerous halophilic/halotolerant protists, making it a valuable model taxon for studying the evolutionary history and adaptive strategies of eukaryotic organisms in hypersaline environments (Aucher et al. 2020; Harding and Simpson 2018; Jhin and Park 2019; Lee et al. 2022b; Tikhonenkov et al. 2019). Among the members of Heterolobosea, the genus
Halophilic protozoa have been thought to play a crucial role as grazers of bacteria and archaea in hypersaline environments (Park et al. 2003, 2006). Interestingly, the type of prokaryotic prey required for protozoan growth varies among different halophilic species. For instance,
In the present study, we isolated two strains of amoeboflagellate from hypersaline water samples (~300 PSU) in the Republic of Korea. Based on light microscopic observations and molecular phylogenetic analysis, we identify the two strains as
Two amoeboflagellates were isolated from hypersaline water samples collected in June 2021 from two solar salterns in the Republic of Korea (Geumjeong solar saltern [GJ] and Naeyang solar saltern [NY]; Fig. 1). Protists in the samples were enriched by inoculating 10% of each sample into liquid media with salinities of 200 PSU and 150 PSU for GJ and NY, respectively. These media were prepared by diluting Medium V (300 PSU; 272 g NaCl, 7.6 g KCl, 17.8 g MgCl2, 1.8 g MgSO4·7H2O, and 1.3 g CaCl2 per liter water; see Park 2012) with sterile double-distilled water and adding autoclaved barley grains. The barley grain supported the growth of prokaryotes, which were in turn prey for the protists. Monoprotistan cultures of amoeboflagellates were established using manual single-cell picking with a micropipette. Briefly, isolated single cells were inoculated into separate wells of a 24-well culture plate (30,024, SPL Life Sciences Co., Ltd., Pocheon, Korea) filled with the respective liquid media plus autoclaved barley grains and incubated at 35°C until they reached qualitatively sufficient abundance. Subsequently, each isolate was transferred to and maintained in 50 mL tissue flasks (70,125, SPL Life Sciences Co., Ltd.) containing 10 mL of the respective liquid media with autoclaved barley grains at 35°C. Subculturing was carried out every month.
Live trophozoites, flagellates, and cysts of each amoeboflagellate were imaged using differential interference contrast and phase contrast optics on a Leica DM5500B microscope (Leica, Wetzlar, Germany). Images were taken with a Leica DFC550 camera, and dimensions were measured using FIJI v2.14.0 (Schindelin et al. 2012).
Nucleic acids from both amoeboflagellate cultures were extracted using the DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) following the manufacturer’s instructions. 18S ribosomal RNA (18S rRNA) gene sequences were obtained by PCR amplification using the primer set EukA/EukB (EukA 5´-AACCTGGTTGATCCTGCCAGT-3´; EukB 5´-TGATCCTTCTGCAGGTTCACCTAC-3´, Medlin et al. 1988). PCR amplification was conducted using TaKaRa TaqTM polymerase (TaKaRa Bio Inc., Shiga, Japan) in a Biometra TRIO thermal cycler (Analytik Jena, Jena, Germany). The PCR steps were as follows: an initial denaturing step at 94°C for 5 minutes, followed by 35 cycles of 45 s at 94°C, 1 minute of annealing at 55˚C, and 3 minutes of extension at 72°C, with a final extension step at 72°C for 20 minutes. Each 18S rRNA gene sequence from the two amoeboflagellates were deposited in GenBank as accessions PP905598 and PP905599.
The 18S rRNA gene sequences from 71 representative heterolobosean species, including our two isolates, plus sequences from 16 representative non-heterolobosean species selected as outgroups, were used for phylogenetic analysis, based on a seed alignment originating from Lee et al. (2022b). The dataset was aligned using MAFFT v.7 (Katoh and Standley 2013) and masked by eye, with 1,407 sites retained. Maximum likelihood trees were estimated using IQ-TREE v.1.6.12. The GTR + F + I + G4 model of sequence evolution was selected using the best-fit model test option (−m TEST, Flouri et al. 2015; Minh et al. 2013; Nguyen et al. 2015). Statistical support was assessed using ultrafast bootstrapping with 1,000 replicates. Bayesian analysis was conducted using MrBayes 3.2.7a (Ronquist et al. 2012) with two independent runs, each with four chains running for 2,000,000 generations, with the default heating parameter (0.1) and sampling frequency (0.01). A conservative 30% burn-in was used; the average standard deviation of split frequencies for the last 70% of generations was < 0.01.
Growth experiments of the two isolates under various salinity and temperature conditions were conducted as reported by Lee et al. (2022b). All treatments were performed in triplicate.
The estimation of salinity ranges for the growth of each isolate was conducted using media with 10 different salinities ranging from 3 to 300 PSU. Specifically, 990
The optimal temperature conditions for the growth of each isolate were determined by inoculating culture tubes containing 990
The morphology of
Table 1 . Morphological characteristics of
Species | Strain | Amoeba | Flagellate | Cyst max. diameter ( | References | |||||
Length ( | Width ( | Length-to-width ratio | Length ( | Width ( | Length-to-width ratio | |||||
GJ1 | 20.7 (14.1–27.7) | 14.0 (9.3–20.9) | 1.5 (1.2–2.2) | 13.6 (7.3–18.7) | 5.2 (4.3–7.0) | 2.6 (1.4–3.9) | 10.2 (8.1–11.8) | This study | ||
NY2 | 19.3 (14.7–27.8) | 13.0 (9.5–18.1) | 1.5 (1.1–2.2) | 13.7 (10.1–17.5) | 6.5 (4.7–8.5) | 2.1 (1.7–2.8) | 8.7 (7.3–10.3) | This study | ||
AS12B | NR (12–33.5) | NR (12.5–30) | NR | 15.0 (11–18) | 5.3 (3–8) | 2.9 (1.7–3.8) | NR (9–12.5) | Park and Simpson (2011); Harding et al. (2013) | ||
SD1A | NR (12–30.5) | NR (12–30) | NR | 11.6 (9–14) | 4.6 (3–6) | 2.6 (1.9–4.1) | NR (10.5–15) | Park and Simpson (2011); Harding et al. (2013) |
Values are presented as mean (range).
NR: not reported.
The flagellate forms of strains GJ1 and NY2 were frequently observed in cultures that had been maintained for an extended period (Figs. 2G-J and J and 3J-N). The flagellates of both strains had a spindle shape, with the posterior end being more pointed than the anterior end and the dorsal side more convex than the ventral side (Figs. 2G-I and I and 3J-L), and four flagella (Figs. 2J and 3M). The mean lengths of strains GJ1 and NY2 were 13.6
Cysts of strains GJ1 and NY2 had a spherical shape with a smooth surface (Figs. 2K-N and N and 3F-I). The mean diameters of the cysts were 10.2
The 18S rRNA gene sequences obtained from strains GJ1 and NY2 were 3,233 bp and 3,240 bp long, respectively. The sequences were 99.9% identical to each other and 99.5% similar to
Phylogenetic analysis of 18S rDNA sequences placed both strains in the Pharyngomonada, a basal clade in Heterolobosea, with maximum ultrafast bootstrap support (UFBS) and a Bayesian posterior probability (PP) of 1 (Fig. 4). Specifically, they grouped with the halophilic
Strains GJ1 and NY2 were able to grow in salinities ranging from 75–200 PSU at 35°C (Fig. 5). The optimal salinity for the growth of both strains in liquid culture was 75–100 PSU (Fig. 5). Cultures of strains GJ and NY did not exhibit positive net growth at 50 or 250 PSU, but the cells remained viable at these salinities for at least 7 days (data not shown). Strains GJ1 and NY2 grew well at 25°C, 35°C, and 37°C, and 35°C and 37°C, respectively, in a liquid culture of 75 PSU, with the highest density observed at 35°C. The cultures died after a 7-day incubation period at temperatures of 25°C or lower, or 40°C or higher.
Strains GJ1 and NY2, which exhibited the characteristic amoeboid and flagellate morphologies of the genus
Among halophilic/halotolerant protists, a significant number are classified within the Heterolobosea (Aucher et al. 2020; Jhin and Park 2019; Kirby et al. 2015; Lee et al. 2022b; , 2012, 2009; Park and Simpson 2011, 2016; Plotnikov et al. 2015; Tikhonenkov et al. 2019). The definition of “halophiles” varies, but the most commonly accepted classification is Kushner’s (1978), categorizing them into extreme halophiles (growing best at 150–300 PSU), borderline extreme halophiles (growing best at 90–230 PSU), moderate halophiles (growing best at 30–150 PSU), slight halophiles (growing best at 10–30 PSU), and halotolerant organisms that can grow without the absolute necessity of salt. More recently, Oren (2008) defined halophiles as organisms that grow optimally at 50 PSU or higher, and can tolerate salinities of 100 PSU or higher. All previously reported species of the genus
Adaptive radiation in halophilic organisms is primarily observed in archaea and bacteria (Oren 2002). All known halophilic archaea belong to the class
Halophilic protozoa are considered to play an ecologically significant role as prokaryote grazers in hypersaline environments (, 2006). Previous studies have indicated that
In this study, two strains of
Supplementary information accompanies this paper at
Taxonomy summary.
We would like to thank Dong Hyuk Jeong for his assistance with experiments, and Aaron A Heiss for editing and reviewing this manuscript for English language.
GJ: Geumjeong solar saltern
NY: Naeyang solar saltern
PSU: Practical salinity units
UFBS: Ultrafast bootstrap support
PP: Posterior probability
JSP supervised the study. HBL performed the majority of the experiments. HBL and JSP drafted the manuscript. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.
This work was supported by the National Institute of Biological Resources of Korea (NIBR) under grant (NIBRE202405), funded by the Ministry of Environment (MOE) of the Republic of Korea; Korea Institute of Marine Science & Technology (KIMST) under grant (RS-2023-00256330), funded by Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF); and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant to JSP funded by the Korean government (NRF-2022R1I1A2064117).
All data generated in this study are deposited in the related repositories. The names of the repositories and accession numbers are included in the article.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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