Published online July 12, 2024
Journal of Ecology and Environment (2024) 48:23
Youngil Ryu1 , Donguk Han2,3 , In Kwon Lee4 and Sangkyu Park1*
1Department of Biological Science, Ajou University, Suwon 16499, Republic of Korea
2ECO Korea, PGAI, Goyang 10449, Republic of Korea
3Department of Medical and Biological Science, The Catholic University of Korea, Bucheon 14662, Republic of Korea
4R&D Division, Agricultural Technology Center, Goyang 10563, Republic of Korea
Correspondence to:Sangkyu Park
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Background: Janghang Wetland is a well-preserved area located in a natural estuary and brackish water zone. There exist a large community of Salix triandra subsp. nipponica–S. koreensis, with S. triandra subsp. nipponica being the dominant species in the tidal forest. The metabolite composition of honey is diverse and influenced by the floral source and environmental factors. The aim of this study is to identify the plant origins of collected honey and examine changes in metabolite composition over time within the willow community in Janghang Wetland.
Results: The study found that S. triandra subsp. nipponica was the most prominent component in the honey (50.7%), followed by Prunus padus (21.8%). In terms of pollen, P. padus was the most frequently detected (44.9%), followed by S. triandra subsp. nipponica (32.7%). The honey collected from Janghang Wetland was differentiated based on the collection time (March vs. April). Honeys collected in March exhibited a higher sucrose content than those gathered in April, while honeys collected in April demonstrated a higher mannose content compared to those obtained in March. The honey collected in Janghang Wetland had higher levels of sucrose and mannose content compared to commercial honey. In contrast, honey from an apiculture company had higher levels of lactitol and melibose. When comparing honey samples, it was found that Janghang Wetland honey showed lower levels of total phenolic content and total flavonoid content compared to commercial honeys.
Conclusions: The metabolites in honey were found to be affected by both the collection time and geographical origin, and the results of metabarcoding in honey was influenced by the floral origin. These findings can assist in identifying the origin of honey and contribute to a better understanding of metabolite diversity in honey.
Keywords: floral origin of honey, Janghang Wetland, metabarcoding, metabolite, Prunus, Salix
Janghang Wetland is a well-preserved area situated in a natural estuary and brackish water zone. The average annual temperature ranges from 11.0°C to 12.5°C, reaching its highest temperature recorded at 29.5°C in August and dropping to its lowest at –6.1°C in January (Ramsar Sites Information Service 2021). The flora in Janghang Wetland has recently been reported to include 51 orders, 87 families, and 559 species. The Janghang Wetland was designated as a wetland protection area in 2006 and a Ramsar site in 2021. It was subsequently designated as a military facility protection area, and access to the area was restricted. This has had the effect of preserving the wetland in an optimal condition. And there exist a large community of
Various methods have employed to determine the sources of honey such as pollen and polyphenol analyses (Adamchuk et al. 2020; Anklam 1998; Gašić et al. 2017). Among these, pollen analysis, known as melissopalynology, offers a direct means of identifying the botanical origins of honey. While melissopalynology is a valuable tool for determining uniflora honey (Balkanska et al. 2020), it comes with several drawbacks, such as being tedious and time- consuming, the challenge of identifying plants based on pollen phenotypes (Khansari et al. 2012), and the substantial influence of researcher subjectivity (Balkanska et al. 2020). Metabarcoding can be serves as an alternative tool for identifying the constituent organisms within a complex object comprising various organisms such as pollens in honey (de Sousa et al. 2019; Kim et al. 2021; Mohamadzade Namin et al. 2022b), but it also has some limitations. Regions utilized for honey metabarcoding encompass internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2),
Nectar, produced by flowers, contains various plant metabolites produced responding to the surrounding environment. However, there is limited studies on the effects of abiotic factors on honey metabolites and existing ones focus mainly on major components such as sugars (Canto et al. 2011; Chalcoff et al. 2017). Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) can be used to analyze untargeted metabolites. In entomological studies, Wang and colleagues (2019, 2022) demonstrated the capability to differentiate honey based on honeybee species using untargeted GC-MS and LC-MS data, and several markers could be discovered through targeted approach. From a plant origin perspective, geographical and floral origins can be assessed through untargeted LC-MS analysis (Koulis et al. 2021; Li et al. 2017). The metabolite composition of honey may vary extensively, encompassing not only sugars but also other secondary metabolites, contingent upon abiotic factors. and GC-MS and LC-MS can be serve as valuable tools for metabolite analysis to discover the origin of honey.
Salidroside is predominantly extracted from the flowers of the
In this study, we conducted a comparative analysis of honey collected over two months from Janghang Wetland in early spring 2023 with commercial honey brands. We employed DNA metabarcoding and metabolite analysis with the following objectives: 1) to identify the plant origins of honey collected near the extensive willow community in Janghang Wetland and 2) to comprehend the compositional changes in metabolites based on the collection time. Furthermore, it would like to examine the potential suitability of Janghang Wetland as a site for honey production.
There bee colonies were set in Janghang Wetland in March and April 2023, each containing 2 to 4 brood frames. The bee colonies were surrounded by steel cages to defend against disruptors such as wild animals. Five honey subsamples and five pollen subsamples were collected randomly from each brood frame. Each honey subsample was collected from an area of 2 cm × 2 cm. The pollen subsamples were collected from five cells from each brood frame, except for the C2 brood frame cell, which had no pollen present. A single sample representing each brood frame was created by mixing these subsamples. Commercial honeys were purchased from two different sources: Apiculture A, an online market, and Apiculture B, a local apiculture company near Janghang Wetland.
DNA metabarcoding was conducted on beehive samples collected in March only. DNA was extracted from honey and pollen samples using the Exgene plant SV Kit (GeneAll Biotechnology, Seoul, Korea) with a modified protocol based on the kit manual. The first PCR was conducted to amplify the ITS2 region. The primers used for amplification included overhang sequences for constructing the library and distinguishing between honey and pollen samples (Table 1). PCR amplifications were performed using AmpONE Taq DNA Polymerase (GeneAll Biotechnology). The amplification conditions consisted of an initial denaturation step of 95°C for 5 minutes, followed by 45 amplification cycles of denaturation (40 sec at 95°C), annealing (60 sec at 48°C) and elongation (30 sec at 72°C) and a final extension step of 5 minutes at 72°C. The amplified PCR products were purified by using an AccuPrep® PCR Purification Kit (Bioneer, Daejeon, Korea). The honey and pollen PCR products were purified and mixed to the same concentration before being sent for Illumina Miseq sequencing at the Macrogen (Seoul, Korea). The paired-end sequencing method was used to obtain the sequences.
Table 1 . The primer includes an overhang sequence designed for Illumina platform use in metabarcoding analysis.
Region | Primer name | Primer sequence | Reference |
ITS2 | tagF_ITS2-AGC | 5’ – tcgtcggcagcgtcagatgtgtataagagacagAGCatgcgatacttggtgtgaat – 3’ | Chen et al. 2010 |
tagR_ITS2-CTA | 5’ – gtctcgtgggctcggagatgtgtataagagacagCTAtcctccgcttattgatatgc – 3’ | White et al. 1990 | |
tagF_ITS2-ACT | 5’ – tcgtcggcagcgtcagatgtgtataagagacagACTatgcgatacttggtgtgaat – 3’ | Chen et al. 2010 | |
tagR_ITS2-CCA | 5’ – gtctcgtgggctcggagatgtgtataagagacagCCAtcctccgcttattgatatgc – 3’ | White et al. 1990 |
Capital letters within the primer sequence serve as indices for distinguishing between two samples in a mixture.
ITS2: internal transcribed spacer 2.
The sequences were demultiplexed based on the index attached to honey and pollen. The demultiplexed reads were then paired with forward and backward reads using PEAR (version 0.9.6) (Zhang et al. 2012). The resulting reads were transformed to FASTA format and trimmed of primer sequences. Finally, entirely identical reads were merged using fastx-toolkit (version 0.0.14
BLAST (version 2.12.0) was used to identify the reads (Altschul et al. 1990). The database for identification was constructed using ITS2 sequences of plants reported to live in Janghang Wetland by report of Han et al. (2022) (Table S1) and plants expected to inhabit and be used by honeybees in Janghang Wetland, uploaded in genebank ( The identification threshold was set at 97% or higher for the percentage of identity. Finally, the statistical analysis was performed using the amplicon sequence variant (ASV).
A modified method based on Lisec et al. (2006) was used to preprocess metabolites in honey for GC-MS and LC-MS analysis. Honey samples were dissolved with 1,400
Honey samples in amber vials (10
Honey samples in amber vials (1
To extract total flavonoids contents (TFCs), honey samples were dissolved in EtOH at 300 mg/mL. Each aliquot (100
To extract total phenolic contents (TPCs), honey samples were dissolved in DW at 300 mg/mL. Each aliquot (200
Statistical analysis was performed using data matrix obtained from the results of GC-MS and LC-MS in R v3.6.1. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) and partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) were conducted using the vegan package and pls package (R Package Version 2.8-1), respectively. After conducting PLS-DA, orthogonal partial least squares-discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) was performed using an in-house code. All plots were created using SigmaPlot 10.0 (SigmaPlot10.0; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
As honey B4 was not amplified, metabarcoding analysis was conducted on 16 samples (honey: 8, pollen: 8) (Table 2). The sequencing yielded an average of 449,285 reads across 8 samples. After the demultiplexing process, each set of paired-end reads assembled an average of 110,501 reads. The identical reads were collapsed, resulting in an average of 32,423 ASVs per sample. Of these, 63.7% of the collapsed sequences were identified by BLAST (Table 2).
Table 2 . Status of data processed by type and sample at each stage.
Type | Index | Sample | Raw data | Demultiplexing | Assembled | Collapsed | Identified |
Read counts | Read counts | Read counts | ASVs | ASVs (read counts) | |||
Honey | AGC/CTA | A1 | 505,747 | 217,776 | 116,940 | 37,821 | 22,520 (42,744) |
A2 | 457,693 | 167,721 | 98,503 | 16,216 | 6,620 (17,623) | ||
B1 | 546,578 | 241,271 | 177,565 | 46,116 | 26,015 (95,088) | ||
B2 | 476,392 | 192,918 | 99,556 | 33,397 | 21,651 (39,275) | ||
B3 | 464,596 | 231,758 | 125,350 | 48,733 | 33,205 (87,487) | ||
C1 | 385,586 | 152,427 | 81,681 | 24,878 | 16,241 (31,837) | ||
C2 | 451,494 | 189,057 | 104,354 | 24,596 | 14,490 (69,190) | ||
C3 | 306,191 | 104,646 | 80,058 | 27,629 | 24,440 (65,761) | ||
Average | 449,285 | 187,197 | 110,501 | 32,423 | 20,648 (56,126) | ||
Pollen | ACT/CCA | A1 | 505,747 | 189,739 | 104,590 | 37,225 | 22,142 (60,427) |
A2 | 457,693 | 201,701 | 103,856 | 35,611 | 18,949 (76,581) | ||
B1 | 546,578 | 199,715 | 84,344 | 13,735 | 7,934 (20,312) | ||
B2 | 476,392 | 192,942 | 101,989 | 44,090 | 25,188 (72,878) | ||
B3 | 464,596 | 142,881 | 52,057 | 10,103 | 5,547 (12,107) | ||
B4 | 451,494 | 176,088 | 64,834 | 20,471 | 11,950 (47,941) | ||
C1 | 385,586 | 159,416 | 54,200 | 27,040 | 16,034 (36,872) | ||
C3 | 306,191 | 143,419 | 125,657 | 43,914 | 41,548 (122,423) | ||
Average | 449,285 | 175,735 | 86,441 | 29,024 | 18,662 (56,193) |
The number of reads per sample and the number of amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) are also presented. The same sample names, as well as the remaining samples (B4 and C2), were respectively pooled and analyzed together on MiSeq.
A total of 24 genera were identified in the database, including 16 genera for honey and 17 genera for pollen (Table S2, Fig. 1A).
At the species level, 30 species were identified among the 249 species in the database (Table S3), with 22 species for honey and 23 for pollen.
A total of 995 peaks were detected via GC-MS analysis. Out of these, 100 metabolites were identified using the library. The NMDS result shows that the samples were well-clustered by sources and months of samples (Fig. 2A). Honey collected from Janghang Wetland was distinguished from honey produced by two beekeeping companies. Additionally, the honey collected from Janghang Wetland was differentiated based on the collection periods in March and April.
A total of 13,886 peaks were detected via LC-MS analysis. The honey collected from Janghang Wetland was categorized based on the collection time, similar to the results of the GC-MS analysis. Janghang Wetland honey was distinguishable from commercial honey, although no distinction was observed among apiculture companies (Fig. 2B). Mixed wildflower honey (wildflower sugar fed honey, hard boiled honey, wildflower matured honey, wildflower honey) from different companies tended to cluster together, while single-source honey was scattered more widely.
When comparing honey collected from Janghang Wetland in March and April, OPLS-DA analysis using GC-MS data revealed that the sucrose content was higher in March than in April, while the mannose content was higher in April than in March (Fig. 3A). The correlation is somewhat weak, but notable metabolites such as maltose and galactose were detected in the honey collected in March (Fig. 3A). When using LC-MS data in OPLS-DA, several significant metabolites were discovered that differentiate between the honey collected in March and April. Metabolites with m/z values of approximately 247 and 287 were detected in the 20-minute range for March honey, while metabolites with m/z values around 274 were predominantly detected in the 26-minute range in April honey (Fig. S1C, D).
A comparison was made between honey collected from Janghang Wetland and commercial honey. The OPLS-DA analysis, using GC-MS data, revealed that the honeys collected in Janghang Wetland had a higher sucrose and mannose content compared to those collected in commercial honey. On the other hand, honey produced by the apiculture company had a higher lactitol and melibose content (Fig. 3B). The OPLS-DA analysis using LC-MS data (Fig. S2C, D) suggests that there are no significant metabolites in S-plot, respectively, due to the low values on the y-axis and x-axis.
To compare honey samples based on their
In March, the TPC was measured to be an average of 450.79 ± 46.28 mg GA/100 mg, while in April it was 331.61 ± 33.62 mg GA/100 mg. The total honey collected from Janghang Wetland had a TPC of 388.06 ± 71.77 mg GA/100 mg (Table S4). The TFC was measured to be 2.85 ± 1.18 mg QE/100 mg in March, 3.58 ± 0.67 mg QE/100 mg in April, and 3.23 ± 1.01 mg QE/100 mg in the total honey collected from Janghang Wetland in total (Table S4). Janghang Wetland honey had lower TPC and TFC levels compared to the other honey samples (Table S4, Fig. 4).
The use of databases is crucial in metabarcoding analysis for species identification, but there are several challenges associated with their use (Keck et al. 2023). GenBank, as the largest existing sequence database (Benson et al. 2013), is highly valuable, but its use requires careful consideration for appropriate use. In metabarcoding analysis, universal primers are commonly used to identify as many taxonomic groups as possible. However, it is important to note that due to the limitations of accurately classifying numerous taxonomic groups using short reads of only a few hundred base pairs obtained with universal primers, multiple taxonomic groups may have identical scores (Keck et al. 2023). Consequently, it is possible to identify a classification group even if it is not native to the area where the sample was collected. When conducting a BLAST analysis using all ITS2 sequences uploaded in the GenBank database, the plants reported as growing in Janghang Wetland were not identified at a high rank. To supplement this, longer barcode sequences could be used, but this would require cloning or long-read sequencing. However, the utilization of these techniques in metabarcoding may present additional limitations. The GeneBank database was used to identify several plants, including
Salidroside has been isolated from various plant organs such as barks, leaves, branches, etc. and has also been found in flower buds (Julkunen-Tiitto 1989). Qualitative and quantitative analysis of salidroside can be performed by comparison with a standard material using GC-MS and LC-MS. As a result, salidroside was not detected in any of the samples including honeys, where
In early spring, honeybees were reported to primarily use plants from the Genus
Honey is typically collected by honeybees from the dominant species in the area (Coffey and Breen 1997; Percival 1947). In the case of Janghang Wetland, the main species is
The results of the metabolite analysis comparing honey collected from Janghang Wetland and commercial honey using GC-MS and LC-MS indicate that honey collected in April from Janghang Wetland closely resembles cherry tree honey (Fig. 2). Considering
The NMDS plots (Fig. 2B) based on metabolite analysis results from LC-MS indicate that commercial wild-flower honeys produced in different environments are more influenced by the composition of nectar plants than by the collected environment. However, the results from GC-MS analysis show that honeys were separated by apiculture company (Fig. 2A). GC-MS is primarily used to detect for primary metabolites, while LC-MS is employed for the detection of secondary metabolites (Lee et al. 2013; Zhang et al. 2012). Secondary metabolites may be more suitable for reflecting the origin of the nectar tree, while primary metabolites are thought to reflect the environment where the honey was collected.
Variations in the composition of honey metabolites were observed even in the same collecting location (Fig. 2). Additionally, differences in sugar compositions were found between honey collected in March and April (Fig. 3A). These differences seem to be the results of changes in the composition of the nectar-producing plants, as suggested by Coffey and Breen (1997) and Wood et al. (2022), and in the type of honey plants, which depend on the time of collection, as indicated by Peters et al. (2018) and Ma et al. (2019).
When comparing honeys collected from Janghang Wetland to commercial honeys, it is apparent that honeys from Janghang Wetland contains higher levels of sucrose and mannose (Fig. 3B). These metabolites also varied with months. Figure 3A shows that honey collected from Janghang Wetland in March has a higher sucrose content, while honey collected in April has higher mannose content. The results show differences in some of the disaccharide components of Janghang Weland honey and commercial honey, which may be related to temperature or storage period. Honey contains invertase, and enzyme that hydrolyzes sucrose into fructose and glucose (Nelson and Cohn 1924; Sahin et al. 2020). Invertase is mixed with the secretion of honeybees (Nelson and Cohn 1924) and there is a significant correlation between invertase and sucrose contents (Lichtenberg-Kraag 2014). The activity of invertase increases with higher temperatures and longer storage times (Lichtenberg-Kraag 2012). It is possible that honeys collected from Janghang Wetland, which have high sugar contents, did not undergo sucrose inversion into monosaccharides due to their lower level of invertase activity compared to commercial honey.
Many significant metabolites were detected, but not identified, when comparing
TPC and TFC in honey were reported to significantly related with antioxidant activity (Dong et al. 2013; Iurlina et al. 2009). Some studies have suggested potential correlations between the presence of flavonoids and phenolic compounds in honey and their floral and geographical origins (Dong et al. 2013; Iurlina et al. 2009; Küçük et al. 2007; Suleiman et al. 2020). Both TPC and TFC of Janghang Wetland honey were lower compared to other honeys, with the exceptions of
In honey and pollen collected from Janghang Wetland in March,
Supplementary information accompanies this paper at
Table S1. The sequence database for BLAST identification comprises a list of plant species. Table S2. ASVs identified at the genus level in each sample. Table S3. ASVs identified at the species level in each sample. Table S4. Total phenolic contents and total flavonoids contents of each sample. Fig. S1. Orthogonal partial least squares-discriminant analysis and S-plot for comparative analysis of honeys collected from Janghang Wetland in March and April. Fig. S2. Orthogonal partial least squares-discriminant analysis and S-plot for comparative analysis between honeys collected from Janghang Wetland and apiculture honeys. Fig. S3. Orthogonal partial least squares-discriminant analysis and S-plot for comparative analysis between higher Prunus and Salix ratio among honeys collected from Janghang Wetland.
We are grateful to the reviewers for their thoughtful comments and valuable contributions to improving our manuscript.
ITS2: Internal transcribed spacer 2
GC-MS: Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
LC-MS: Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
ASV: Amplicon sequence variant
TPC: Total phenolic contents
TFC: Total flavonoids contents
NMDS: Non-metric multidimensional scaling
OPLS-DA: Orthogonal partial least squares-discriminant analysis
YR formal analysis, and writing-original draft. DH conceptualized the study and conducted field study. IKL conceptualized the study and received a research grant. SP conceptualized the study, reviewing and editing the draft, writing-review and editing, and supervision. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
This research is supported by Investigation of antioxidant component of almond willow (
The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
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Corresponding author Sangkyu Park has been Editor-in-Chief of
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