Table. 4.

Number and percentage of sampling units, mean diameter gradient of substrate grains and classification of lithophilic series according to substrate types

No. Substrate type Average of mean particle diameter (Φμ) Number and percentage (%) of sampling units of Koreoleptoxis globus Lithophilic series
1 Bouldery cobble –7.1 6 72 Lithophilous
2 Pebbly cobble –6.1 66
3 Gravelly cobble –5.4 6 10 Psephophilous
4 Cobbly pebble –5.2 4
5 Pebble –4.7 - 16 Moderate
6 Copegra –4.5 15
7 Gravelly pebble –4.1 1
8 Cobbly gravel –3.5 1 2 Psammophilous
9 Pebbly gravel –3.0 1
10 Gravelly clay –0.9 - - Pelophilous

Revised from the article of Kong and Kim (J Korean Soc Water Environ. 2016;32(1):1-14).

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