Table. 1.

Normalized root mean squared error (%) between cumulative mass function derived from combined relative abundance based on water depth, current velocity, and mean diameter gradient of substrate grain and cumulative distribution function of each model

Model Water depth Current velocity Streambed substrate
(phi value)
Exponential 26.10 17.52 4.12
N-exponential 14.94 9.11 20.25
Normal 4.52 1.12 3.06
Lognorma 4.94 1.02 0.76
N-lognormal 2.41 1.52 3.47
Logistic 5.53 1.60 2.52
Weibull 2.94 0.86 0.55
N-Weibull 3.12 0.98 0.89
Gamma 4.76 1.06 0.64
N-gamma 2.48 1.98 3.34
Beta 2.49 0.71 0.96
Gumbel 7.99 1.41 0.81
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