Table. 1.

Initial concentration of mixed litter in two forest types

Litter species OM (%) Organic C (%) N (%) P (%) K (%) C:N ratio
Shorea obtusa 55.49 (0.59) 32.19 (0.12) 0.37 (0.49) 0.02 (0.25) 0.3 (0.11) 60.74 (0.22)
Dipterocarpus tuberculatus 58.68 (0.05) 34.04 (0.15) 0.31 (0.37) 0.03 (0.19) 0.27 (0.94) 77.36 (0.32)
Pterocarpus macrocarpus 57.26 (0.33) 33.21 (0.34) 0.37 (0.13) 0.24 (0.08) 1.87 (0.09) 63.87 (0.29)
Aporosa villosa 62.85 (0.13) 36.46 (1.15) 0.35 (0.07) 0.03 (0.39) 0.17 (0.07) 72.92 (0.04)
Chromolaena odorata 56.6 (0.24) 34.47 (0.03) 1.17 (0.04) 0.08 (0.69) 0.13 (0.34) 20.89 (0.04)

The leaf-litter species include native and invasive ones. Values in parenthesis are the standard errors.

OM: organic matter; C: carbon; N: nitrogen; P: phosphorous; K: potassium.

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