Table. 2.

Results of two-way ANOVA on germination parameters and seedling emergence

df F p-value
Germination percent
Species 1 2.11 0.154
Water potential 4 122.72 < 0.001a
Species × water potential 4 17.80 < 0.001a
Mean germination time
Species 1 30.30 < 0.001a
Water potential 4 1.66 0.179
Species × water potential 4 1.01 0.413
Timson’s index
Species 1 33.10 < 0.001a
Water potential 4 152.14 < 0.001a
Species × water potential 4 14.33 < 0.001a
Emergence percent
Species 1 51.03 < 0.001a
Depth 3 17.20 < 0.001a
Species × depth 3 14.49 0.001a

aSignificant values.

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