Table. 1.

The two factor loading values on the 12 environmental variables of two Gotjawal area

Environmetal factors Variables (abbreviation) Factor 1 Factor 2
Abiotic factors Soil moisture (Sm) –0.41 0.49
pH 0.46 –0.44
Organic matter content (Om) –0.83 0.48
Soil depth (Sd) –0.95 0.17
Litter depth (Ld) 0.99 –0.12
Litter production (Lp) 0.70 –0.65
Elevation (E) 0.93 –0.08
Slope degree (S) 0.98 –0.01
Rock ratio (Rr) 0.83 –0.39
Biotic factors species richness (Sr) 0.82 0.38
Herb layer species diversity index (HH’) 0.10 0.94
Shrub layer species diversity index (SH’) 0.12 –0.79
Tree layer species diversity index (TH’) –0.87 0.01

The given Factor 1 and Factor 2 show how they relate to each variable, with the abbreviations for each variable shown in parentheses.

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