Table. 1.

Average number of flowers (m2) and bees (100 flowers) in the cultivation of the strawberry cultivar ± standard deviation, under natural conditions and density bees

Seasons Flowers (m2) Bees (100 flowers)
No densification Densification No densification Densification
Summer 8.25 ± 3.77aB 9.55 ± 4.15aC 16.35 ± 7.49bA 24.55 ± 6.06aA
Autumn 21.60 ± 7.67aA 22.75 ± 12.08aA 1.05 ± 1.43bB 1.35 ± 1.82bB
Winter 20.15 ± 6.88aA 19.40 ± 11.82aAB 1.15 ± 1.14bB 4.30 ± 0.81bB
Spring 11.65 ± 3.10aB 12.45 ± 4.57aBC 1.95 ± 1.27bB 3.95 ± 5.23bB

Degree of freedom = 39.

Averages followed by the same letter, lower case in rows and upper case in columns, do not differ from each other according to the Scott Knott test at 5%.

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