Table. 1.

F-value resulted from three-way analysis of variance (ANOVA-3) of Juniperus spp. (J. phoenicea and J. procera) dimensions in Sarrawat Mountains at Taif

Source Height Diameter Size index Volume H:D Density
J. phoenicea
Location (loc) 0.35 0.22 0.81 0.33 3.37* 11.78***
Altitude (alt) 10.77*** 49.27*** 73.43*** 22.24*** 5.57*** 3.57**
Class (cla) 399.15*** 441.07*** 1169.90*** 608.82*** 16.94*** -
Loc × alt 0.16 1.46 0.83 0.06 2.50 3.67**
Loc × cla 4.26*** 6.81*** 1.97 3.68** 6.73*** -
Alt × cla 1.46 2.01* 1.76* 3.66*** 1.73* -
Loc × alt × cla 6.34** 1.37 1.41 0.00 3.20 -
J. procera
Location (loc) 142.25*** 3.03 272.63*** 70.17*** 15.71 4.84**
Altitude (alt) 6.85*** 4.68** 15.66*** 3.89** 2.46 1.98
Class (cla) 188.66*** 168.87*** 1038.92*** 274.40*** 3.13 -
Loc × alt 2.32 3.38* 0.39 0.97 3.62 1.50
Loc × cla 3.96*** 2.50* 2.02 0.80 2.37 -
Alt × cla 1.64 0.90 1.80* 2.05** 0.83 -
Loc × alt × cla 0.09 0.40 0.69 0.56 0.14 -

H: height; D: diameter; -: not applicable.

*p ≤ 0.05, **p ≤ 0.01, ***p ≤ 0.001.

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