Table. 2.

Plot network infrastructure associated with Great Western Woodlands TERN SuperSite

Plot network Key partnerships Plot and measurement details Period of measurement
Core SuperSite
Hectare plots TERN, CSIRO, DBCA 6 standard 1 ha TERN AusPlotsa in vegetation types surrounding flux tower (Eucalyptus salmonophloia, Eucalyptus salubris, Eucalyptus transcontinentalis, and Eucalyptus clelandiorum woodland, chenopod shrubland, Acacia woodland), biannual to 5 yearly measures on eucalypt woodland plots as Table 1 2013–present
Global networks
Nutrient Network Global NutNet consortium, CSIRO, Mt Caroline property owners Standardised experimental design and monitoring following Nutrient Network protocols (Borer et al. 2014) Includes annual measurement of floristic composition and biomass, irregular soil and other measures 2008–present
Drought-Net Global Drought-Net consortium, DBCA, CSIRO, TERN, Murdoch University Standardised experimental design and monitoring following Drought-Net protocols (Yahdjian et al. 2021). Includes annual measurement of floristic composition and biomass, irregular soil and other measures 2015–present
Gradient plots
South West Australian Transitional Transect DBCA, TERN, CSIRO Four standard TERN 1 ha AusPlots with nested 20 × 20 plots at each of 10 locations along the 1,200 km transect (total 160 plots) Measured in 2013,
1 ha plots repeated in 2022
Mulga-line transect CSIRO, TERN, DBCA, DJTSI, University of Western Australia, James Cook University, Edith Cowan University, Ngadju Conservation Aboriginal Corporation 12 standard 1 ha TERN AusPlots along a 700 km transect along an aridity gradient and crossing the ecotone between eucalypt and Acacia dominated woodland. Additional annual monitoring of vegetation, soil microbes, and ants 2022–present
Gimlet fire-age plots CSIRO, TERN, DBCA, Ngadju Conservation Aboriginal Corporation, DPIIRD, Birdlife Australia 76 × 0.25 ha plots across a gradient of times since stand-replacement fire in woodlands dominated by E. salubris. Base measures include vegetation floristics, cover and structure, with visual Vesta fuel assessment, 20-min 2-ha bird survey, ants, drone- and airborne-based LiDAR, plant biomass at a sub-set of plots First established
2010–2012, various measures since, ongoing

TERN: Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network; CSIRO: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation; DBCA: Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions; DJTSI: Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, DPIIRD: Department of Primary Industries, Innovation and Regional Development.

aTERN AusPlots are standard 1 ha plots using methodology described in White et al. (2012).

J Ecol Environ 2023;47:-
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