Table. 2.

Dominant vegetation and weather conditions at the nine greenhouse gas flux towers across South Korea

Sites Observatory Dominant tree Elevation
Annual precipitation (mm/yr) Mean
annual temperature (°C)
Min. temperature in Jan (°C) Max. temperature in Aug (°C)
JB_forest KLTER Quercus mongolica 800 1,721 7.0 –9.2 23.8
NS_urban KLTER Quercus mongolica 240 1,195 13.2 –3.9 30.9
GR_forest KEON Quercus variabilis 235 1,203 12.0 –5.4 30.4
DJ_urban KEON Pinus rigida 80 1,274 13.1 –4.1 30.9
SC_suburban KLTER Pinus thunbergii 15 1,225 12.6 –3.5 30.4
UP_wetland KEON Salicaceae spp. 10 1,313 13.1 –5.1 31.4
JR_forest KLETR Quercus mongolica 750 2,173 10.1 –4.9 25.8
WD_forest KEON Quercus acuta 360 2,434 12.3 –1.7 28.8
JG_forest KEON Lauraceae spp. 220 2,239 14.6 2.9 29.1

Weather datasets (mean value from 1991 to 2020 with raster format) were derived from the Korea Meteorological Administration (

Min: minimum; Max: maximum; JB: Jeombong-san; NS: Nam-san; GR: Gyeryong-san; DJ: Daejeon-si; SC: Seocheon-gun; UP: Upo wetland; JR: Jiri-san; WD: Wando; JG: Jeju gotjawal; KLTER: Korean Long-Term Ecological Research; KEON: Korean Ecological Observatory Network.

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