Table. 1.

Growth regulators and durations of regeneration for major bamboo species

Sl. No. Bamboo species Regions External plant Growth regulators Durations of regeneration References
Bambusa species
1 Bambusa nutans wall ex. Munro. Jorhat 1-1/2-year nodal explant Shoot: 1 mg/L BAP Shoot: 20–25 days Amiri and Mohammadi 2021
Root: 2 mg/L NAA Root: 30–35 days
2 Bambusa balcooa Jagirod, Assam Nodes containing axillary buds Shoot: 1–1.5 mg/L BAP Shoot: 3 weeks Sharma and Sarma 2011
Root: 3.5–4 mg/L Root: 15–20 days
3 Bambusa balcooa Gual Pahari, Haryana Nodal segments Shoot: 4.4 mg/L BAP, 2.32 mg/L kinetin, and 0.2% w/v Gelrite with 6.6 mg/L BAP, 2.32 mg/L Kinetin, 2.5% coconut water, and 100 mg/L myo-inositol Shoot: 3 weeks Negi and Saxena 2011;
4 Bambusa tulda TNB College campus–Bhagalpur, Bihar Nodes containing axillary buds Shoot: 1 mg/L BAP Shoot: 5–6 weeks Choudhary et al. 2022
5 Bambusa balcooa Saptari district, Nepal Nodal segments Shoot: 4.4–26.44 mg/L BAP Shoot: 35 days Suwal et al. 2020
6 Bambusa nutans Thailand and India Nodal shoot segment Shoot: 0.25 mg/L NAA and 0.25 mg/L TDZ; 1 mg/L NAA and 0.5 mg/L TDZ Shoot: 2 weeks Rajput et al. 2021
Dendrocalamus species
7 Dendrocalamus stocksii Munro TNB College campus–Bhagalpur, Bihar Nodes containing axillary buds Shoot: 2.5 mg/L BAP Shoot: 5–6 weeks Choudhary et al. 2022
Dendrocalamus hamitonii Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat Single nodal cuttings Shoot: 1 mg/L BAP and 0.25 mg/L TDZ Shoot: 6 weeks Rajput et al. 2021
Root: 5 mg/L IBA, 10 mg/L coumarin, and 75 mg/L putrescine Root: 3 weeks
8 Dendrocalamus asper, Dendrocalamus hamiltonii, and Dendrocalamus falcatum Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur Nodal segments containing single axillary bud Shoot: 10–50 μM BAP Shoot: 4 weeks Bordoloi et al. 2018
9 Dendrocalamus asper Hasanuddin University, Makassar Nodal shoot segment Shoot: 3 ppm TDZ Shoot: 60 days Li et al. 2021
10 Dendrocalamus asper Pardinho, Brazil Young inflorescence (pre-anthesis stages) Shoot: 0 mg/L, 4.5 mg/L, 9 mg/L, and 18 mg/L 2, 4-D with 9 mg/L cytokinin Shoot: 39 days Gusmiaty et al. 2020
11 Dendrocalamus hamiltonii LNMU Darbhanga; Bihar Single nodal segment Shoot: 1.5 mg/L BA and 1 mg/L BA Shoot: 3–5 weeks Ornellas et al. 2021
Root: 1 mg/L IAA, IBA, and NAA Root: 3 weeks
14 Dendrocalamus strictus IGKV, Raipur Single nodal segment Shoot: 4 mg/L NAA and 2 mg/L Kinetin Shoot: 15–20 days Abha and Sunila 2021
Root: 4 mg/L NAA
15 Dendrocalamus sericeus Munro Thailand Nodal segments Shoot: 1 mg/L NAA and 2 mg/L Kinetin Shoot: 8 weeks Khare et al. 2021
Root: 2 weeks
Edible bamboo
16 Arundinaria callosa Bishnupur District of Manipur Nodal shoot explants Shoot: 0.1–15 mg/L BA Shoot: 2–8 weeks Devi and Sharma 2009
17 B. tulda and M. baccifera Botanical Survey of India (BSI), Kolkata Nodal segments containing axillary buds Shoot: 2 mg/L kinetin and mg/L BAP Shoot: 45 days Waikhom and Louis 2014
Root: 3 mg/L IBA, 10 mg/L coumarin, and 3% sucrose Root: 25 days

BSl: Botanical Survey of India; TNB: Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur University; LNMU: Lalit Narayan Mithila University; IGKV: Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya; BAP: 6-Benzylaminopurine; NAA: Naphthaleneacetic Acid; TDZ: Thidiazuron; 2, 4-D: 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid; BA: Benzyl Adenine; IAA: Indole Acetic Acid; IBA: Indole Butyric Acid.

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