Convergent population units for various cases of survivorship
α: habitat unit
β: red-eared slider survivorship
Convergent population units
β = 0.01: 99% survivorship
β = 0.05: 50% survivorship
β = 0.09: 1% survivorship
It shows the convergent population units for various cases of red-eared slider survivorship with α = 3.612 calculated by 3% increase per year for 1980–2000, which is the initial habitat unit in 2000 after 20 years of anthropogenic spread from α = 2. The initial population size is set to 3.577 units. For extremely good survivorship condition of β = 0.01 the population size is almost unchanged, while for poor condition of β = 0.99 the population size converges to 1.826 unit close to half of the initial population size