Journal of Ecology and Environment

Cited by CrossRef (4)

  1. Chuleui Jung. Editorial of special issue “Plant-pollinator network: Processes and impacts”. J Ecol Environ 2022;46
  2. Ehsan Rahimi, Chuleui Jung. Spatial Modeling of Insect Pollination Services in Fragmented Landscapes. Insects 2024;15:662
  3. Abdelhak Rouabah, Chantal Rabolin‐Meinrad, Camille Gay, Olivier Therond. Models of bee responses to land use and land cover changes in agricultural landscapes – a review and research agenda. Biological Reviews 2024;99:2003
  4. Ehsan Rahimi, Chuleui Jung. Modeling honeybee flower visitation rates in the fragmented agricultural landscapes based on Lévy-flight behavior. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 2024;18:1033