Journal of Ecology and Environment

Cited by CrossRef (6)

  1. Yanying Zhang, Wurhan, Sachula, Yongmei, Khasbagan. Ethnobotanical profiles of wild edible plants recorded from Mongolia by Yunatov during 1940–1951. HPLS 2021;43
  2. Isita Talukdar, Virginia Kowal, Binbin Huang, Charlotte Weil. Vegetation Drastically Reduces Wind Erosion: An Implementation of the RWEQ in the Mongolian Gobi Steppe. Land 2022;11:1204
  3. Toshihiro Murata, Javzan Batkhuu. Biological activity evaluations of chemical constituents derived from Mongolian medicinal forage plants and their applications in combating infectious diseases and addressing health problems in humans and livestock. J Nat Med 2021;75:729
  4. Christopher McCarthy, Troy Sternberg, Buho Hoshino, James Banfill, Erdenebuyan Enkhjargal, Yuki Konagaya, Simon Phillips. Preserving the Gobi: Identifying potential UNESCO world heritage in Mongolia’s Gobi Desert. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 2022;15:500
  5. Abdul Hallim Majidi, Amirullah Arifi, Abdul Baser Qasimi. Traditional use of medicinal plant diversity in the Yawan district of Badakhshan, Afghanistan. Vegetos 2024
  6. Dorsaf Kerfahi, Matthew Chidozie Ogwu, Dagvatseren Ariunzaya, Altantsetseg Balt, Dulamsuren Davaasuren, Orsoo Enkhmandal, Tsolmonjav Purevsuren, Amgaa Batbaatar, Mark Tibbett, Sainbileg Undrakhbold, Bazartseren Boldgiv, Jonathan M. Adams. Metal-Tolerant Fungal Communities Are Delineated by High Zinc, Lead, and Copper Concentrations in Metalliferous Gobi Desert Soils. Microb Ecol 2020;79:420